Y1 and Y2
Welcome to Bumblebee Class
Mrs Farmer, Miss Holmes and Mrs Holt
Our school day begins at 8:40am and finishes at 3:10pm.
We will use the hall door which is the entrance on Scout Road. Please wear PE kit to school on Tuesday and Thursday.
Our forest school session are on Tuesday afternoons.
Please make sure children bring appropriate clothing for the weather.
Our Geography unit for the first Spring half term is the Arctic. Our History unit is the Titanic.
Maths - addition and subtraction, length and height
Science - properties of materials
English: The River, The Rainbow Bear, Dangle (film unit)
RE - how are symbols used to welcome new life?
ICT- animated story books
PSHE - what rules are, caring for others and the environment
DT- fruit and vegetables (pizzas) - cutting and grating
PE - Thursdays. Children should wear their PE uniform for the day.
Forest School: Children should wear their PE uniform and use other layers of outdoor clothing to supplement (long sleeved tops, trousers, gloves, warm socks & hat). Please bring wellies or boots to school in a bag to change into if necessary.
It should be weather appropriate.
Forest school will be every Tuesday afternoon.
Links for home learning:
www.twinkl.co.uk/offer Enter the code CVDTWINKLHELPS
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Free online Oxford reading Tree resources and other learning materials
Useful Links